Devlog 2: Pre-Production & Prototyping

Although Unreal offers a set of tools that can come in handy in the long term, we came up to the decision of using the well known unity due to the following reasons.

Ease of Learning and Use: Unity is known for its user-friendly interface and comprehensive documentation, which makes it easier for both programmers and artists to get started with the engine quickly. With limited time available for development, we needed a tool that would allow our team to hit the ground running without extensive training or ramp-up periods.

Familiarity with the Engine: While we didn't base our decision solely on personal preferences, it's worth noting that some members of our team had prior experience with Unity. This familiarity with the engine allowed us to leverage existing knowledge and workflows, minimizing the learning curve and streamlining development efforts.

Flexbility and Customization: Unity offers a high degree of flexibility and customization, allowing us to tailor the engine to suit our specific needs and gameplay mechanics. This was particularly important for our game, which features unique control mechanics and requires precise coordination between players. Unity's extensive store also provides access to a wide range of plugins and resources that can enhance our development process and add polish to the final product.

In this week's development update for our game, we focused on expanding the gameplay mechanics beyond just the arms. While the arm mechanics were already enjoyable, our primary goal was to introduce support for leg movement. We seamlessly integrated the legs into our existing parenting system, leveraging much of the functionality already established for the arms. Additionally, we experimented with body bending and crouching mechanics, empowering players to craft more intricate shapes and devise creative strategies to fit through the hole in the wall with the character.

Implementing a multiple-controller input system initially presented some challenges, but with perseverance, we successfully integrated it into our game. This enhancement allows players to independently control both the arms and legs using separate controllers, adding a new layer of complexity to the gameplay experience.

Moving the limbs of the character is of course only fun when there are walls to fit in. To this end, we designed various walls with unique challenges for testing purposes. Drawing inspiration from games like Flappy Bird, we engineered these walls to approach the player dynamically. Players must quickly adjust the character's shape to fit through the approaching hole before colliding with the wall. Colliding with any part of the wall results in losing a life, adding tension and excitement to the gameplay.

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Mar 13, 2024

Get Form Frenzy

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