Devlog 4: Production sprint 1

Another week, another Devlog update! ๐ŸŽ‰

We've received the green light from our supervisors for our project, giving us the go-ahead to dive headfirst into game development! But before we start smashing our faces into Blender and Visual Studio, it's time to ensure our Unity project is PRISTINE and ORGANIZED. This is where our technical document comes in handy :D. In this document, we've meticulously outlined everything: clean naming conventions, folder structures, scale of objects, programming stuff,...

One of our artists has brought the main player character to life. No more staring at a bland, gray figure! The character has been modeled, textured, and rigged!! (and surprisingly fast too)

In addition to our character's makeover, we've also designed and created particles for the player. They still need to be implemented into the gameplay, but here are some visuals.

Forget basic health hearts! Our health indicator works by showcasing the character's silhouette in a pose to reflect the current health status.

On the visual front, we've also created a game splash image. While it's still a work in progress, it captures the essence and vibe of our game, setting the stage for what's to come. This image will be showcased in the opening menu and on our social media platforms, giving players a glimpse into the world of our game.

The main environment is still in development, and we're currently leaning towards a rounded opera room aesthetic. As you can see in the example below. We think it would be interesting how the crowd would interact with the character from all these different angles.

Every step we take right now brings us one step closer to our final game. Until next week!!!

Also this is the current control scheme for both players


FormFrenzy_v1.0.rar 27 MB
90 days ago

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