Devlog8: Production Sprint 2 3


This week we focused on implementing some final functionalities as well as improving the old ones based on the received feedback and playtesting.

The lighting has been reworked to make it more pleasant and less distracting/noisy. To achieve this the meshes of the opera house have been sliced to overcome the unity URP limitation of max. 8 lights per object. The use of lighting layers has been crucial to isolating certain light from specific objects.

We also switched the render pipeline from forward rendering to deferred rendering to limit the amount of visual artefacts from the outline effect and the toon shader.



sliced meshes

The meshes for the power-ups have been implemented as well with a custom shader for the shield to be used on both on the character and the power-up itself

power-up models

shader applied to the character

shader loop

A major update to the wall shape has been made for better playability while increasing the difficulty of the walls

new walls

The high score banner has now received a cute lil texture

highscore banner textured

One of the biggest problems in the gameplay was knowing quickly which limb the player was controlling, a shader has been created to take care of the issue by highlighting the portion of the arm/leg currently in use

limb indication shader

The walls now fade away after passing the player so that they don’t clip through the camera

wall transparency

While doing this we found a little bug for the post-process material which would draw an outline over transparent objects, this has been fixed by changing at which stage the post-process material is applied and set to before transparency

This week, we also focused on improving UI elements such as the controller scheme and power-up timer.

We needed additional particles to accompany the power-ups and other effects.

The character needed a new skeleton because the old rig couldn't properly support the skinning process.

Props and characters are also in the level now, the characters have different animations, so now the crowd reacts to how the player is doing.

bug before being fixed

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41 days ago

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